The unfortunate events of the past few days have resulted in a high volume of calls for renovation assistance from our team.Given the circumstances, our team will be ready to help you within 72 hours of your call, rather than the usual 24 hours.

Thank you for your understanding and all our thoughts go out to those affected at this difficult time.

Lamare | Bathroom

Bathroom remodelling

  • Category:Bathroom Renovation Ideas
  • City:Montreal
  • Year:2014
  • Style:Contemporary
  • Project No:30382
  • Cost:$16,136
    The price is informational and doesn't contain taxes

This renovation involved a new bath-shower, new ceramic floor, custom-made vanity, new gypsum ceiling, new lights, a toilet and a heated floor. The window in the shower was also changed. This bathroom project is simple yet beautiful!

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No fees. No obligation.